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Curriculum Intent

Science is fundamental to understanding ourselves and the world around us. At Telford Park School we believe that all pupils can be successful in science. Our broad and ambitious curriculum is rich in science skills and knowledge which challenge pupils and allows for mastery of science. It is broken down into small topic areas which concentrate on the big ideas in science, including cells, forces, particles, and energy. Our curriculum encourages pupils to be independent self-motivated individuals that can problem solve, analyse, and evaluate, which will prepare them for life after school and future employment.


Our science curriculum gives pupils the opportunity to:

  • Develop practical skills by working scientifically.
  • Articulate scientific concepts clearly and precisely.
  • Understand the uses and implications of science today and for the future.
  • To use problem solving skills and numeracy within scientific concepts.
  • Develop literacy skills through explicit teaching of scientific vocabulary.
  • Consider the moral, ethical and social issues of a variety of different scientific topics such as IVF, stem cells, electricity generation, resource use and genetic engineering.
  • Encourage resilience to enable pupils to face challenges both in science and the wider curriculum.