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Year 6 Primary transition to The Telford Park School

At The Telford Park School, we recognise that the move to secondary school is a major and memorable event in a young person’s life.  We will all be aware that the current situation in schools is very unusual. However despite this we will make sure the move from year 6 to year 7 is an easy process with plenty of helpful information to guide you through, what will be an exciting journey for the students.

Throughout the final half term of this year, Mrs Kerr, our Head of Primary Transition will work with all our feeder schools that have students transferring to us. During this time, Mrs Kerr will liaise with Year 6 teachers to find out all about our new students and, if government guidance changes, we will meet students from the primary schools. All students will receive a booklet which will give them an insight to a day in the life at The Telford Park School. Students will also be given the opportunity to have a virtual tour of the school via a video link and to ask any questions they may have. We will be updating our website regularly with useful information about the transition process, please try and check the website regularly as important information such as advice regarding purchasing uniform will be uploaded there as soon as we have it.

Throughout the first term, House staff and tutors will support the students through tutor activities. Gradually students form new friendships and become fully integrated into the life of the school. During the second half term, parents will hopefully be invited to attend a Year 7 Parents evening this is dependent on government guidelines, where they will have an opportunity to talk to tutors, pastoral leaders and subject teachers.


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How do I find my way around the school?

You will have a map and your timetable will show which room your lesson will be taught. Staff and students will always be around to help you to find your way around school.

Who will help me if I have a problem at school?

Everybody at The Telford Park school is helpful and will listen to you if you have a concern. You will be placed in a Tutor Group with a Form Tutor who you will see every day during Tutor Time. You will also belong to a House and will have access to your Head of House, Assistant Head of House and a Student Support Officer. Your subject Teachers will also be happy to answer any questions you might have or deal with any problems. We also have students who act as Peer Mentors, School Prefects and Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.

Where do we keep our school books and PE kit at school?

You can request a locker to store your books and PE kit.

What are the rules about mobile phones?

We have a no mobile phone policy. If you need to make a call home, you can do so via your student support officer. 

What clubs can I attend after school?

The Telford Park School has a full enrichment programme that you will be able to take part in from rugby and football clubs, to drama club and choir or even web design. There really is something for everyone to become involved in.

Will I get homework?

Yes! There are independent learning projects available on the school website. Teachers will also set a combination of online learning through SAM learning and other activities linked to developing skills, knowledge and understand.

What is a Form Tutor?

A Form Tutor is a teacher in charge of your Tutor Group and will look after you for your 5 years at The Telford Park School.

What is a detention?

A detention is a sanction you are given for not following the rules. At The Telford Park school we promote good behaviour and follow a consequence system to manage poor behaviour.

Will I be with my friends?

Teachers form your primary school will advise The Telford Park School about friendships and where possible we try to keep friends together. However, if you are not with your friends, don’t worry as you will soon make new friends and still see your other friends at break and lunch times and when you’re not in your tutor group.

Will I be allowed to take off my blazer?

Good question! Normally Teachers will have no objection to you taking off your blazer in the classroom, but you have to ask. When walking around school blazers must always be worn. In the summer months, when the weather is hot the Headteacher makes the decision to allow us to take off our blazers and ties.

What will I have for my lunch at school?

The school canteen is open for breakfast before school starts, at break time and at lunch and serves a selection of hot and cold food and snacks.

Where can we eat in school?

You can eat breakfast, break snacks and lunch in the school canteen or outside on the picnic benches.

What equipment will I need to bring to school?

You will need to bring a school bag, as well as a pencil, black or blue pen and a ruler. On days when you have PE, you will also be required to bring your full PE kit into school.