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Design Technology Curriculum Intent
Design and Technology includes (Resistant Materials, Engineering, Food and Nutrition)
Design and Technology (D&T) is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject which prepares all young people to live and work in the designed and made world. Cultural capital is explored across the key stages by appreciation of the work of others locally, nationally and internationally, each subject identifies and relates sow to real contextual challenges focussing upon people, communities or businesses. Design and Technology builds on the skills and knowledge pupils have already learnt at primary school.

The DT curriculum is planned and sequenced across Years 7- 9/GCSE to ensure that pupils build on all aspects of prior learning and stretches and challenges all pupils regardless of starting point.

Pupils in KS3 spend half the year in Resistant Materials then swap to Food Technology.  Pupils work in mixed ability groups in years 7 and 8 and 9. 

In Year 7, pupils learn about workshop safety, the names and uses of basic woodworking tools as well as learning about the four types of motion.  In Food Technology they learn about food hygiene, basic cooking techniques and about healthy diets.

In Year 8, pupils learn about how to work with metal, the differences between Ferrous and non-Ferrous metals and how to design a product.  In Food Technology pupils build on the skills and knowledge from Year 7.

In Year 9, pupils learn designing skills and use of computer aided design.  They will learn about designing for a purpose.  In Food technology pupils learn how to adapt recipes and further develop their skills in the use of food preparation techniques,
All pupils have the opportunity to take a GCSE course in Design and Technology and/or Food Preparation and Nutrition at Key Stage 4.

All teachers are made aware of any disadvantaged pupils on the DT department tracking sheets and class lists, all teachers are reminded of their responsibility to ensure that any obstacles to learning are removed. The department supports the needs of all pupils regardless of any potential barriers as we believe in ‘success for all’. Close tracking of all pupils continues to be an important part of our monitoring in DT to ensure all pupils progress is regularly reviewed and intervened/supported where appropriate. 

There is a strong focus on developing transferable skills, problem-solving and resilience.  Pupils are encouraged to suggest solutions to problems rather than just asking for answers.  Teamwork continues to be a very important part of Design and Technology.
The whole school policy on developing literacy is promoted in DT using technical words and the use of the Frayer literacy model is being continuously reviewed and improved.